Tourist routes
The Reserve consists of 4 parts (areas): the 1st one is called Central, the 2nd one Takmak, the 3rd Kaltak and the 4th one is called “Wild Stolby”.
In the Central part the most popular for visitors is a circle route, which starts from First Rock then goes to Vnucka (Granddaughter), Babka (Grandmother), Ded (Grandfather), Feathers, Lions’ gate, the Forth Rock, the Third and Second rocks and then goes back to the First and Slonik (Elephant) rocks.
There also are a variety of routes. The only difference is the degree of complexity (which you should remember, when you choose your route)
Length of the trip: | 3-4 hours |
Amount of participants: | 5-15 |
Fee: | for free for My Russian School participants |
Departure | depends on the weather |
Rocks – legends There is a reason why “Stolby” was given this its name. The main attraction of Sayan forts (occupied territories) were “syenite” rocks. These rocks were gigantic and looked like people, animals and mythological creatures. In the Reserve there are more than 100 rocks, reaching up to 90 meters. For their visual appearance or location they were given names; Feathers, Lions’ gate, Savage, Fort, Grif, Monk, Cain and Abel, Sinner, Mitra, Sparrows, Ermak, Guard, Chinese wall. There even are family members: Grandma, Granddaughter, Grandpa, Grand-grandpa, Grandson, Twins and etc. Around the Reserve there are lots of boulders, which are used for bouldering. Elephant rock is one of the most popular boulder. |
My Russian School: Out of class activity description Must know:
Description: At the appointed time we gather at school and set off to the National Nature Reserve which is 45 minutes away. Along the way to the Stolby we admire the contrast: industrial power next to picturesque views of untouched Siberian nature. The bus reaches the parking place at the main entrance, we go out and walk to the check point, which is an information Centre. There we find out some more information about the National Reserve, check the routes on our map. Then the guide leads us and we go upstairs (in some places of Central area there are wooden stairs). The first rock you see is Slonik (Elephant). This rock is beloved by the boulders. The next one on our way is Grandpa. It was called so, because it’s a lot like an old man’s face from the side. From his shoulder we see a big part of the Reserve and Krasnoyarsk far away. Then we go down and have a snack (please do not forget to take the rubbish away, it’s essential) After a small snack we go to see Feathers (just see, because it is pretty dangerous to climb them) and Lions’ gate. Lions’ gate is quite an easy to climb. At that spot the guide tells us interesting stories about those rocks and climbers who conquered them or failed to do that. It’s time to return, so we go back to the main road. There are a few routes, they all take you back, so nobody will get lost. On the way back, we feed squirrels and birds. We get on the bus completely exhausted, but satisfied. The driver sets off to the school. |
Die Russische Sprachschule war während meiner Zeit in Krasnojarsk ein sehr wichtiger und angenehmer Platz für mich. Erstens konnte ich dort, durch einen qualifizierten Sprachkurs mein Russisch verbessern. Außerdem habe ich tolle Menschen nicht nur aus Krasnojarsk, sondern auch aus anderen Ländern kennengelernt. Sie wurden zu meinen Freunden. Ich bin zum Unterricht immer gerne gekommen, denn die Themen, über die gesprochen wurden, waren aktuell und interessant und das Lernen in den kleinen Gruppen hat Spaß gemacht.